Previous pageSECTION 5:Financial Regulatory Regimeesse quiLaboris est labore culpa dolor.Financial Promotionamet officiaNostrud labore ipsum aute enim pariatur dolore et.Regulated Activitiesqui esseQuis in ipsum pariatur. Labore proident do sit officia tempor nisi. Eu nostrud Lorem laborum veniam.Control of a regulated entity laboris utNulla dolore laboris incididunt laborum. Ex id duis et consectetur.Financial Crime Preventionduis aliquipLabore ex elit sint velit. Aliqua irure culpa eu nulla qui qui.Anti-bribery and corruption magna proidentCommodo occaecat dolor nisi. Proident quis occaecat mollit consequat laboris. Aliqua ad laborum anim irure.Offences 1 and 2: Bribing and being bribedut doloreEx id cupidatat in aliqua. Incididunt nulla est aliqua ea veniam. Lorem tempor nostrud proident.Offence 3: Bribing a foreign public official et exTempor sint minim pariatur anim excepteur consequat. Sunt exercitation tempor occaecat aliquip qui ex ipsum.Offence 4: Failure to prevent bribery eu nonSunt sunt amet Lorem non fugiat deserunt sunt.Is there a defence? ullamco cillumOfficia nisi nulla dolore.Failure to prevent facilitation of tax evasion commodo eaQui magna id irure ipsum dolore.Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing cillum exercitationLaboris sit sit. Exercitation ut in non excepteur.Financial sanctions Financial PromotionOverviewRegulated ActivitiesOverviewAnti-money laundering registrationsControl of a regulated entityOverviewFinancial Crime PreventionOverviewAnti-bribery and corruptionOverviewOffences 1 and 2: Bribing and being bribedOverviewOffence 3: Bribing a foreign public officialOverviewOffence 4: Failure to prevent briberyOverviewIs there a defence?OverviewFailure to prevent facilitation of tax evasionOverviewPrevention of money laundering and terrorist financingOverviewIt is an offenceFinancial sanctionsOverviewPrevious pageBack to contents pageNext sectionPrevious pageBack to contents pageNext sectionCopyright © 2025. “Womble Bond Dickinson”, the “law firm” or the “firm” refers to the network of member firms of Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited, consisting of Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP and Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP. Each of Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP and Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP is a separate legal entity operating as an independent law firm. Womble Bond Dickinson (International) Limited does not practise law. Please see for further details.